Inside Out Quotes (2015)
Inside Out Quotes
Bing Bong: Take her to the moon for me, Joy.
Sadness: It's long term memory... you'll get lost in there.
Joy: C'mon! Think positive!
Sadness: Okay...
Sadness: I'm positive that you'll get lost in there!
[When trying to get out of the dump, Joy looks at the blue core memory and looks at a forgotten memory]
Joy: You remember how she used to stick her tongue out when she was coloring?
[Joy picks another forgotten memory up and looks at it]
Joy: I could listen to her stories, all day.
[Joy picks up a third one]
Joy: I just wanted Riley to be happy...
[Holding the three forgotten memories and the blue core memory, she breaks down into tears.]
Joy: Hey, look! The Golden Gate Bridge! Isn't that great? It's not made out of solid gold like we thought, which is kind of a disappointment, but still!
Fear: I sure am glad you told me earthquakes are a myth, Joy, otherwise I'd be terrified right now.
Joy: Uh... yeah...
Fear: All right! We did not die today, I call that an unqualified success.
Sadness: Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems.
Dad: [Trying to feed Riley broccoli] Here we go. All right, open.
Joy Hmm... this looks new.
Fear: Think it's safe?
Sadness: What is it?
Disgust: Okay, caution, there is a dangerous smell people. Hold on, what is that? That is not brightly colored or shaped like a dinosaur, hold on guys... it's... broccoli!
[presses buttons]
Riley: Yukee!
[flips bowl of broccoli on dad]
Disgust: Well, I just saved our lives. Yeah, you're welcome.
Dad: Riley, if you don't eat your dinner you're not gonna get any desert.
Anger: Wait, did he just say we couldn't have dessert?
[paces angrily]
Anger: So that's how you wanna play it old man? No dessert? Oh sure, we'll eat our dinner, right after you eat THIS!
[presses buttons]
Riley: [Starts crying and screaming]
Dad: Riley, Riley, here comes an airplane.
Anger: Oh, airplane. We got an airplane everybody.
Joy: Ooooh!
[Riley eats broccoli]
Additional Voices: [During dream sequence] Eat us! We're organic!
Anger: [After Joy and Sadness are ejected] Can I use that swear word now?
Joy: Come on, group hug! You too, Anger.
Anger: Don't touch me.
Joy: All these facts and opinions look the same. I can't tell them apart.
Bing Bong: Happens to me all the time. Don't worry about it.
Bing Bong: [Seeing a memory image of 11-year-old Riley] Whoa. Is this Riley?
[Joy looks at the image and nods]
Bing Bong: She's so big now. She won't fit in my rocket. How're we gonna get to the moon?"
Joy: Oh, it's that time in the twisty tree, remember? The hockey team showed up and Mom and Dad were there cheering. Look at her, having fun and laughing. It's my favorite.
Sadness: I love that one, too.
Joy: Atta girl! Now you're getting it!
Sadness: Yeah, it was the day the Prairie Dogs lost the big playoff game. Riley missed the winning shot. She felt awful. She wanted to quit. Sorry, I went sad again, didn't I?
Mind Worker Cop Jake: So, you're saying your husband was blown away by an elephant. Was he with anyone?
Mind Worker Cop Jake: Yes! And there she is!
[Joy runs through the Cloud Woman, causing her to disappear]
Mind Worker Cop Jake: Hey, come back here!
Mind Worker Cop: Forget it, Jake.
[He removes his sunglasses]
Mind Worker Cop: It's Cloudtown.
Fear: [Watching Riley's dream] Let me guess, she forgot to put on her pants.
Girl: Look, the new girl has no pants on!
Fear: Called it!
Riley: [Disgust pushes a button and pulls a lever] School was great, all right?
Fear: What was that? I though you said we were gonna "act casual".
Mom: Riley! Is everything okay?
[Riley sighs]
Father's Fear: Sir, she just rolled her eyes at us!
Father's Anger: All right, make a show of force, I don't want to have to put the foot down.
Father's Fear: No! Not the foot...
Dad: Riley, I do not like this new attitude.
Anger: Oh, I show you attitude, old man!
Fear: No! No, no, no! Breath!
[Fear gets punched by Anger, and Anger pushes a red button hard]
Riley: What is your problem? Just leave me alone!
Father's Fear: Sir, reporting high levels of sass!
Father's Anger: Take it to DEFCON 2!
Father's Fear: DEFCON 2!
Dad: I don't know where this disrespectful attitude came from.
Anger: You want a piece of this, Pops?
Riley: Yeah, well...
Father's Anger: Prepare the foot!
Father's Fear: Keys to safety position!
[Father's emotions unlocks the foot and Father Fear is about to ready to hit the red button]
Father's Fear: Ready to launch on your command, sir!
Riley: [Anger hardly yells and pulls the lever as the explosion on the top of his head is on fire] Just shut up!
Father's Anger: Fire!
[Father Fear pushes the red button that releases the foot down]
Dad: That's it! Go to your room!
Father's Fear: The foot is down. The foot is down. Woo!
[Father's emotions cheered]
Father's Anger: Good job, gentleman. That could have been a disaster.
Mother's Sadness: Well, that was a disaster.
Anger: I say we lock ourselves in our room and use that one swear word we know. It's a good one!
[Riley is on the verge of tears after attempting to run away back to Minnesota after feeling very homesick.]
Riley: I... I know you don't want me to, but I miss home. I miss Minnesota. You need me to be happy, but I want my old friends, and my hockey team. I wanna go home. Please don't be mad.
[Riley's mother and father stare sadly at their daughter]
Mom: Oh, sweetie...
Dad: We're not mad. You know what? I miss Minnesota too. I miss the woods where we took hikes.
Mom: And the backyard where we used to play.
Dad: Spring Lake, where you used to skate.
[Riley breaks down in tears]
Dad: Come here.
[Riley, her mother, and her father all embrace in a group hug, consoling Riley]
Joy: Disgust, make sure Riley stands out today, but also blend in.
Disgust: When I'm through, Riley will look so good all the other kids will look at their own outfits and barf.
Fear: Maybe it was a bear?
Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco.
Anger: I saw a really hairy guy, he looked like a bear.
Clown's Joy: Six years of drama school... for this.