Valiant Quotes (2005)

Valiant Quotes (2005)

Von Talon: I'm a vegetarian.

Mercury: And yet you wear a leather cape.

Felix: [talking to Valiant about being in the RHPS] If it weren't for my wooden drumstick and this shrappnel in my poopdeck, I'd be out there right now!

Valiant: It's not the size of your wingspan that counts, no, it's the size of your spirit.

Lofty: Could you burp on cue?

Bugsy: Yeah, I can burp on all the letters, not just Q.

Charles De Girl: [to Valiant, Bugsy, Lofty, Toughwood, and Tailfeather] I won't lie to you - you will definitely be eaten by falcons.

Bugsy: How did you find us?

Charles De Girl: Well, the was the plane and the explosion. And the screaming, and the pleading. More screaming. The begging, the crying, the whining, whinging, yelling, boohooing...

Valiant: Yes, um, enough about that.

Bugsy: Definitely, yes.

Bugsy: I've been SHANGHAIIIIED!

Felix: It's not the size of your wingspan that counts. It's the size of your spirit!

Valiant: [shouting] Quiet!

Bugsy: I've got a doctor's note!

Von Talon: There will be awards, parades, and commemorative stamps!

Toughwood: France is scary!

Bugsy: Hello, mate!

Bugsy: I may not be very conscientious, but I do object.

Rollo: [Repeated line] Sabotage!

Tailfeather: Are you ready to drop?

Toughwood: I think I may have dropped already!

[first lines]

Lofty: [seeing Valiant & Bugsy] For a, quote, 'elite unit', unquote, they seem to be letting in anything with wings

[to Bugsy]

Lofty: …including those flies circling your bottom.

Victoria: I don't care if you're a hero or not, just concentrate on the getting back.

Cufflingk: [preparing to torture Mercury] You want us to pluck out his feathers?

Underlingk: And... heh... CLIP his wings?

Cufflingk: HURT... his feelings?

[both chuckle]

Von Talon: No, no, no, no! Worse. MUCH worse.

[raises cage]

Von Talon: We have ways of making you squawk.

[yodeling music begins]

Mercury: Argh! What kind of birds are you?

Lofty: Any moment now, Gutsy will fly out and tell us the plan!

Lofty: [the plane Gutsy was in explodes] Right then. Who has the backup plan?

Bugsy: Oh you want the backup plan? Um... WE DIE! Yeah, that's the backup plan!

Sergeant: Gentlemen you are the fliers of the FUTURE!

[Tailfeather and Toughwood crash into each other]

Sergeant: [Holds face] The FAR future!

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