The Three Caballeros Quotes (1944)

The Three Caballeros Quotes (1944)

José Carioca: When you go to Baia, my friend, you'll never return!

José Carioca: But tell me, Donald, have you ever been to Baia?

Donald Duck: No, I haven't.

José Carioca: No? Oh, I am so sorry for you. Ah, Baia. It is like a song in my heart. A song with love and beautiful memories. Que saudades que eu tenho. Ah, Baia. I close my eyes, and I can see it now. I can see the beautiful twilight in the sky. I can feel the breeze from the bay. And I can hear the music, the music of Baia.

Panchito: Some fun, eh, kid?

[Donald is struggling to dance the Mexican Lilongo with Carmen Molina]

Panchito: Hey, Donald, you are what they say "off the cob". You know, corny.

Donald Duck: Oh, yeah?

[he starts doing his own dance, instead: the jitterbug]

[Donald is about to watch a movie on rare birds, one of his birthday presents]

Narrator: [on movie] Aves raras.

Duck: ¿Aves raras?

Narrator: Si, señor. That means "strange birds".

Donald Duck: Oh, sure, sure! I know! Birds!

[he forms his hands together and flaps them like the wings of a bird]

Narrator: Yes, amigo, your feathered cousins. You know, Donald, you have more relatives here than there are coffee beans in Brazil.

José Carioca: You kill my head!

[the young gauchito goes hunting in the mountains]

Narrator: Now, the best place to hunt the wild ostrich is out on the wide open plains, on the broad, flat land of the... Flat land? Say, what am I doing here? Oh, now I remember! This day, I was hunting for condor birds high up in the mountains. While looking around for the condors, I climbed to the top of a rock. No, come to think of it, it was a tree. Let's see, maybe it was a rock after all, although I could swear it was a tree. Oh, what's the difference? Let it go, let it go.

Donald Duck: [referring to a piñata] What's this?

Panchito: What's this?


Panchito: This is your gift from Mexico, Donald: a piñata!

Donald Duck: Oh, boy, oh, boy, a piñata!... What's a piñata?

Panchito: A piñata is full of surprises. Presents. It's the very spirit of Christmas.

Donald Duck: Christmas!


Donald Duck: Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way...

Panchito: [laughing] Oh, no, no, Donald! For goodness sake, not "Jingle Bells". In Mexico, they sing "Las Posadas".

José Carioca: Have you been to Baia, Donald?

Donald Duck: No.

José Carioca: Well, let's go!

Panchito: [seeing Donald and José for this first time] Aha, my friends! ¡Bienvenidos, cuentos!

[shakes their hands wildly]

Panchito: Welcome to Mexico! Son of a gun, it's a pleasure to see such fine gentlemen in Mexico.

[pulls out two sombreros from atop his own and tosses them to Donald and Jose]

Panchito: Amigos, Donald, José...

[they put the sombreros on their heads]

Panchito: [laughs] Caramba! Now we're three gay caballeros.

[Pablo the penguin has fulfilled his dream of moving to a warmer, more tropical climate]

Professor Holloway: And so, as the warm, tropical sinks slowly in the west, we leave little Pablo, a bird in paradise, a picture of health in his new coat of tan. He should be the happiest penguin in the world.

[Pablo looks at some photographs of penguins back at the South Pole]

Professor Holloway: Only, sometimes he gets to thinking...

Narrator: [laughs] Never satisfied. Well, that's human nature for you, even if you're a penguin.

Donald Duck: You're absolutely right.

Narrator: What a time two toucans have making love. When they're beak-to-beak, they can't get cheek-to-cheek, because when one toucan turns his head, only one toucan can.

Narrator: By the way, amigo, did you know that some birds are skilled craftsmen?

Donald Duck: Uh-uh, is that so?

Narrator: [during footage of a Marrequito building a nest, by piling up sticks and twigs on top of each other] Yes, quite a builder is the little Marrequito.

[the Aracuan bird watches]

Narrator: His nest may look haphazard in design, ah, but every single stick and straw...

[the Aracuan gives the Marrequito one last twig]

Narrator: ... is scientifically placed to withstand the stress and strain of...

[the Marrequito places this twig on the pile, but the nest then collapses]

Narrator: ... well, almost anything.

José Carioca: [to Donald] As you Americans say, what's cooking?

Donald Duck: Joe Carioca! Well, I'll be doggoned!

José Carioca: Imagining, meeting me here! Donald, have you ever been to Baia, no?

Donald Duck: No, I haven't.

[the little gauchito and Burrito are in a race together; the other gauchos on their horses take off, leaving them both in the dust; they look around]

Narrator: We were off with the speed of a bullet! We flew down the track like the wind! Every gaucho was, uh... And meanwhile, Burrito and I were, uh, uh, jockeying for position. Psst. Gauchito! They went that way.

[they look left]

Narrator: That way!

[they move along slowly; all the spectators laugh]

Narrator: No wonder they laughed. I didn't even look like a jockey. Hey! Gauchito!

[the gauchito and Burrito look at the camera]

Narrator: Come on, look like a jockey!

[they try to race as jockeys]

José Carioca: [laughing] This Donald! Did you ever see such a fast worker?

Panchito: Did you know that the history Mexico is in her flag? Oh, yes. You see, many hundreds of years ago, the god of the Aztecs commanded them to build a big city where they would find an eagle destroying a serpent. But when they find this eagle, he was sitting on a cactus, on top of a rock, way out in the middle of a lake. Caramba, to build a city here would be almost impossible. But they built and built and built some more, until today, believe or not, the lake is full of Mexico City.

Donald Duck: [meeting some women on Acapulco Beach] Hello, my sweet little bathing beauties!

José Carioca: What do you feel about Baia? Tell me the truth.

Donald Duck: Oh, swell! Marvelous! Romance!

[puckers up lips as if kissing]

Donald Duck: Moonlight!

[a crescent moon falls out the sky, landing next to Donald]

Donald Duck: Beautiful girls!

[pretends momentarily to look like a girl]

José Carioca: Sim, senhor. Voce e um grande pirata. Or, as you say, you are a wolf!

Panchito: [talking about Las Posadas] This custom takes place on each of the nine days before Christmas. Each evening, the children gather at the village church and form a procession, symbolizing the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. The little ones carry images of the saints from house to house, singing a plea for shelter, or posadas. A reply comes from within, "No posada, no shelter." Looking sad and downhearted, they try again. But the reply is still the same: "No shelter, no posada." They repeat the song time after time, and always they are refused, until at last they finally reach a house, and the door is open. "Come in, come in, holy pilgrims. This humble home is yours." And now, Mary and Joseph have found shelter at last. Then the rejoicing begins, the feasting, the celebrating, and finally, the biggest surprise of all, breaking the piñata.

Jane: [reading advertisement for a new nanny] "Wanted: a nanny for two adorable children."

George Banks: Adorable. Well that's debatable, I must say.

Jane: [singing] If you want this choice position, have a cheery disposition...

George Banks: Jane, I don't...

Jane: Rosy cheeks, no warts...

Michael: That's the part I put in!

Jane: Play games, all sorts. You must be kind, you must be witty, very sweet, and fairly pretty...

George Banks: Well of all the ridiculous...!

Mrs. Banks: George, please!

Jane: Take us on outings, give us treats, sing songs, bring sweets. Never be cross or cruel. Never give us castor oil or gruel. Love us as a son and daughter, and never smell of barley water.

Michael: I put that in, too!

Jane: If you won't scold and dominate us, we will never give you cause to hate us. We won't hide your spectacles so you can't see, put toads in your bed, or pepper in your tea. Hurry, nanny! Many thanks! Sincerely...

Jane, Michael: Jane and Michael Banks!

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